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The Oxygen Plan Receives Certification by the Midwest Minority Supplier Development Council

The Oxygen Plan meets the requirements for certification as a Minority Business Enterprise by the Midwest Minority Supplier Development Council.

The Oxygen Plan Corporation is pleased to announce certification by the Midwest Minority Supplier Development Council (MMSDC).

“This certification is a significant development for our health technology company,” says Eric Lucas, CEO of The Oxygen Plan Corporation. “We look forward to discussing our revolutionary program for employee stress reduction with MMSDC members and sponsors.”

About MMSDC:
The MMSDC is one of 37 regional councils of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), the nation’s leading organization for minority business development. The NMSDC and its regional councils serve as a direct link between corporate America and minority owned businesses. There are 3,600 corporate members throughout the network, including most of America’s largest publicly owned, privately owned and foreign owned companies, as well as universities, hospitals and other buying institutions. The regional councils certify and match more than 16,000 minority owned businesses with member corporations that want to purchase goods and services. Most of America’s largest and most successful MBEs are counted among NMSDC’s 16,000 certified minority suppliers. To learn more about the NMSDC, visit their website.

About The Oxygen Plan Corporation: 
The Oxygen Plan is a revolutionary new behavior change program designed to help employees recognize and reduce stress, live healthier, happier lives while helping employers lower health care costs, improve productivity and strengthen employee engagement. The Oxygen Plan, co-developed by Dr. Donald E. Williams, board-certified clinical health psychologist (American Board of Professional Psychology/ABPP), and Chief Science Officer and Founder, Eric Lucas, is the only stress reduction program to use a patent-pending green, yellow, red color coding to easily facilitate stress recognition and behavior change for individuals and organizations. The Oxygen Plan is also the home of the Stress Number™, the new health metric, and first to quantify stress levels. For more information visit

Published by Prweb, Jul 13, 2011:

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